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Welcome to Silverware wiki

This Wiki should introduce and help in and on a project, RCGroups user silverxxx has started in september 2015. Have a nice reading!

Feel free to leave a comment right at the bottom of the start page.

To quick start, there is a readme in this Wiki that provides a short overview of what Silverware is capable of and how to use it.

Just a few notes for people being new to Silverware, especially, which quads are known to be flashable right nowCLICK


  • Acro mode
  • Level mode (switchable via TX channel or gestures, using stock TX)
  • Altitude Hold on Bwhoop B03 / FuriBee H801 boards
  • Telemetry via Bluetooth using SilverVISE
  • Telemetry using a DEVO and Bayang Telemetry Protocol (Telemetry support since the December '16 nightly builds of Deviation)
  • Telemetry using Taranis/9X/TH9X
  • Brushless motor Driver supporting PWM, PPM, Oneshot and DShot
  • Inverted flight capabilities on Floureon H101 / Eachine H8Sand on brushless
  • Well suitable for custom builds, such as different frames, larger motors, Hexas, brushless. Most compatible boards are known to drive 8520 coreless motors without issues
  • PIDs tunable and storable via TX gestures
  • Switchable output to switch 'something' on and off during flight via TX (e.g. FPV gear)
  • Buzzer support for lost quad detection
  • S.BUS input support
  • Crossfire (CRSF) input support
  • DSM(X) Satellite support
  • Graupner SUMD support
  • Silverware Brushless boards: Dedicated Brushless Silverware FC, Ian444's Silverlight FC
  • Auto-Bind feature: bound once, no need to rebind after battery change. UsageLimitations
  • Silverware especially designed for Whoop style quads:NotFastEnuf's Fork
  • Silverware especially designed for brushless:Yets' Fork

The quads everything started with

H8 minih8_3d_mini.jpgbwhoop.jpgi.ytimg.com_vi_bg90oyntdik_maxresdefault.jpg

To get you an idea how to flash the boards, just watch the following videos

GigaDevice Boards (H8mini green boards and H8S red boards):

STM32 Boards ( all other )

\\    \\  ==== Silverware in RCGroups ====

Do you have questions? Feel free to ask in one of those threads!

Where to buy stuff?

We all no doubt know the joys of the slow boat from China but hey they are cheap and available at Banggood

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If you have additional infos, suggestions or just want to tell us something, please leave a comment

Ian444, 2017/12/25 21:15

Hi SirDomsen, I like this suggestion box! Thanks for adding keil bug page, it will help when the Silverware FC gets built.

A couple of suggestions: 1. Silverxxx's page that he wrote recently explaining config.h or general overview or something, I cannot find it now, maybe the link to it disappeared? 2. Down the left hand side of the start page, some headings are are in colour black and some are in blue, could you make them all black please?

Thanks for all this, Ian.

Sir Domsen, 2017/12/25 22:45, 2017/12/25 22:46

Thanks for the first (real) post here, Ian!

1. Done, link had disappeared somehow - thanks for finding! 2. Only possible, if I kill the links these blue headings include. I'd rather have one colour also but I think that's not possible. I already played with the thought to eliminate the links as the linked pages are more or less the same as the sidebar content (it's a leftover before the sidebar). What do you think?

Ian, 2017/12/29 02:10

If the blue headings contain a link that is not included below it, you could add a new link under it. For example, the “Brushless Setup” link could be replaced with a new addition below it named “Brushless overview”. Then the link from the “Brushless Setup” would not be needed. That is how I would do it. Some of them would be OK as they are because the main link is covered by the items below it.

Could we also have a black heading for the new silverware FC about to come into existence, the DIY one? Maybe, “DIY Silverware FC”?


Nur Rochim, 2018/01/10 08:43

Support eachine E013?

Sir Domsen, 2018/01/10 10:20

Most likely not, because if I can trust the Photos from the board in the net, it uses an incompatible MCU - sorry

bangkong, 2018/01/13 09:11, 2018/01/17 12:54

Thank you so much for sharing this great blog.Very inspiring and helpful too.Hope you continue to share more of your ideas.I will definitely love to read

Milner, 2018/01/22 05:06

Is it possible to flash the board (if you have physical access to the data pins) with the motors still attached, or will they interfere?

I have tried a board but it wouldn't connect. I had the motors still attached because they are soldered on, no connectors. Want to avoid having to resolder the tiny wires if it wasn't the issue.

Sir Domsen, 2018/01/22 09:39

For sure, motors can be left on. You need to power the board (which board btw?) by battery, then connect using STLink utility/Keil (assuming you're on Windows)

Milner, 2018/01/22 10:17

Its an E011 board if I remember correctly. It has been maybe four months since I set this aside after I couldn't get it to connect.

I've run through the different sequences layed here without luck:

I am using STLink/Keil, though I am not familiar with them. I have never done anything outside of Arduino/Teensy so I havn't delved into the available linux tools, though I'd prefer to use those if there were a breakdown of the steps for a dummy who doesn't have the time to learn all the ins and outs of it.

Milner, 2018/01/22 12:12

So, I feel a bit foolish for not assuming the worst.

The pinout on the programmer I have has two rows of pins, and the top one is labeled with the pins of the bottom row. I figured why not just throw caution to the wind and start plugging things in where they don't belong. That worked.

If your device won't connect, the pinout on the *PROGRAMMER* might be wrong too (not just on the board). Try the pins on the top AND bottom row, and save yourself.

scruffy1, 2018/03/01 03:30

the wiki is a great source ! for some noobie information and direction to hardware that will assist your journey, my blog post on it may help :

Paolo, 2018/03/12 08:22

Hi guys, what firmware for betafpv silverware FC???

Sir Domsen, 2018/04/19 13:00, 2018/10/10 12:40

Bwboop B03 from Silver13 GitHub page or NFE'S fork, see links section and downloads section

Ernesto, 2018/07/10 18:16

Hi. I have two blue h8 boards, one with betafpv716 17500kv motors, h8 propellers and chassis and 300mah 30c batteryS. The other with betafpv motors 720,17500kv, 55mm propellers and 500mAh 30c batteries (both with fpv camera) I use my fsi6 with multiprotocol. Both fly well with the config.h and pid by default, except that the engines get very hot. the one of engines 716 already to a motor burned in a short time and I do not know if it is by the pids, by the configuration pwm or another thing. If you can advise me with some changes in config.h for each case I thank you. Greetings and

Christophe, 2018/04/04 18:04

Hi Some notes for silverware E011 (and others probably) flash on linux

Thanks to everyone who made this possible Christophe

Alan, 2018/04/15 17:21
Hi,the project is really great! I am just thinking about is it possible to have RC car firmware support to JJRC H67 board ? If there's RC car or boat firmware , then the board can be multifunctional . Anyone knows where I can find thread about it? (I don't mean the 4 brushed motor boat project , it would be better to use one channel to move forward /backward, one channel for left/right. )
Mr Nixon tom, 2019/03/01 05:52

Hi I have bought a beecore board flashed with the bayang protocol and was wondering if my Devo 7 would bins it did say in the advert that it supports devention protocol thanks for reading this any advice would be highly appreciated 👍👍👏🚁

ari safari, 2018/09/13 06:11

hi, need help I just flash my e011 board with nfe-silverware-master, all succes when flashed, but when started to arming the quad its spinned, yawing faster, is there something that missed or wrong with my set up, thanks for reply

martijn dekker, 2018/09/18 20:50


I bought a new E011 board '2017-08-09' from banggood. And have stlink and Keil working. Can flash without errors. But I can't get it to bind with the stock transmitter (E011) nor my taranis IrangeX multimodule. Both work fine with with the stock firmware. I am definitely doing something wrong. But can't figure out what. I tried both Silverware and the NotFastEnuf fork. To check whether the board is not broken I flashed the original firmware in in the /bin folder. This still works as expected. What could I do wrong?

Sir Domsen, 2018/09/18 22:42

you probably set the wrong (telemetry?) protocol in config.h?

Matt, 2018/10/31 13:50

Hi, I was just curious if anyone ever considered leaving the speaker on the santawhoop and changing the tunes it plays. I obviously de-soldered the speaker as the 1st thing as all of you guys did, but is there an option to actually keep this feature by some code tweaks even after Silverware flash?

I am now looking at the extracted original firmware to see if it can be modified somehow, although we only have a .hex file of this, right? Just curious about this (and yes, I just want to play “I believe I can fly” and figured you guys might point me onto the right path!) and I realize this is fairly complex and specific :D.

Anyhow, I appreciate all the work and forks and mods and tunes you guys have made, keep it up! It really is some great stuff.


Heru, 2019/01/01 18:15

Hi master. I have a ton of e011 and e011c board that cant bind anymore. I think the problem is come from xn297lbw. So, did you think that changing xn297l with micro nrf24l01 is possible. Because i cant get xn296lbw in my country. Thank you

David Burkhart, 2019/01/16 19:54

Where do I start?..

I am running dsmx protocol and have the d6x transmitter that is only 6 channels. I was hoping that I'd be able to program ch5 to disarm/arm/angle with a 3 POS switch, then on ch6 run: standard flight modes/juicy/full Bronx with another 3 POS switch. The only costing experience I have is some basic stamp and visual basic courses from college as electives. I am far out of my depth here when looking through the silverware code here on GitHub and am no farther now than I was 3 days ago when I started looking into this. Has anyone else thought about doing something like this?

David Burkhart, 2019/01/16 19:58

Alienwhoop Zero is my board btw

Sir Domsen, 2019/01/25 21:47

Ask your questions here please. This comment feature is meant to allow people leaving a comment on this site or Silverware in general.

Aly Chiman, 2019/01/31 20:03

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at promoted as a resource on our blog ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well . If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

Thanks, Aly

Jeff, 2019/02/11 22:13

Hey silver!

I noticed in the config file there are channel 7vid and 8still open. I have a DVR scalped from an older quad that requires the video/still commands to engage. Does the e011 board support those channels as well? It may be a stupid question, but I'm new to the hobby, so I'm still learning. The cam/VTX/DVR combo has a positive, ground, and what I assume is a link to the tx/rx to start recording and take a still.

Jacob, 2019/02/16 06:15

Hello! Is any whoop FC that has the vcc, gnd, clk and dio pads able to take Silverware? I have an Eachine M80 I'd like to try :D but I dont want to brick it..

uri , 2019/10/30 19:51

i have one that is as good as bicked and i am going to tray to flash it as soon as i get the stlink

Ans Hafeez, 2019/03/13 06:49

can I burn betafpv lite v1 silverware FC with brushless firmware?

Sir Domsen, 2019/03/28 15:16


Todd Speck, 2019/08/03 08:37

So stoked I got Silverware with Keil running my B-whoop b03. It was quite tricky to figure out. But I was bound and determined to get it. Now I am learning so much. Getting massive performance out of my custom quads. Reading every page of info.And lots of testing. I am so impressed with how my quads fly now. I love flying acro L.O.S. and lots of FPV. Thank you so much Silverxxx And all the contributors for creating this. Peace out!

Max, 2019/10/26 10:57

Hello , I have encountered a problem with my silverised beecore lite board or stock tx e011 controller(tiny whoop 65mm 615 engines).When I calibrate acc it seems drifting forward slightly in level mode , and in acro it feels like the pitch is set to like 1% forward all the time . On level mode it's easy to fix by calibrating acc while the front engines of quad are little bit higher , but acro still same issue . Changing pids doesn't seem to help . I can't measure the roll/pitch/yaw in my stock e011 controller .

Perry Dunham (Old_Grol), 2019/11/04 16:18

I tried to register for a account so I could ask a question/comment, but I have not received a password.

Here is the question: has anyone tried using an Android emulator with a BLE USB adapter on a PC for Silvervise? Or using the Android IDE in Linux with a BLE USB adapter. When I saw Silvervise I though that would be great–but my rooted tablet does not support BLE, I will buy a BLE USB adapter, a wireless mouse will work with my OTG USB adapter so hopefully a BLE USB adapter will work for me. I have everything configured for my BetaFPV 65S Lite (what a durable little critter) with the exception of arming and Silvervise.

Speaking of USB I use a usb hub that has switches on it: makes dealing with the ST-Link easier. I am thinking about ditching the metal cover. I took it off a couple times and PRESTO! it worked.

Thank all of you for your efforts. FPV is harder than it looks on youtube.

Sir Domsen, 2019/11/05 23:04, 2019/11/05 23:04

Registration should work again. But if questions remain, please ask in one of the Silverware forum threads, much more likely to get an answer there :)

jacksonliam341, 2022/07/08 19:06

When I saw Silvervise I though that would be great but my rooted tablet does not support BLE.

I will buy a BLE USB adapter a wireless mouse will work with my OTG USB adapter so hopefully a BLE USB adapter will work for me.

I have everything configured for my BetaFPV 65S Lite what a durable little critter with the exception of arming and Silvervise.

Gordon Bullard & Company

Todd Speck, 2019/12/25 00:23

Super stuck again! Any help would be so appreciated. I built another quad with a custom frame I made on my cnc machine. Using the b-whoop pro boards flashed with Keil.I flew it a few times and it was so nice. Wanted to change the setting's a little bit. Now I really screwed it up. Reading and following the info. on the config H page. I set the pwm to 8k and turned the motor curve to none. following the guide lines of code info. I am using 7×20 motors on this one. Well instantly it won't even lift off the ground. I can't seem to get back to a starting point. Now it won't even connect. I have flashed about 5 boards now and messed up 3 boards. I struggle to get them to flash almost every time. When I finally get them talking I have adjusted lots of parameters and pids. But now I am really stuck. My tree has all these exclamation points, I have never seen before. I go through all the menus and read the wiki for hours. I want to learn this stuff so bad. Wonder if any one has any ideas?

Sir Domsen, 2019/12/26 00:50

I recommend asking in bwhoop or h8mini thread on rcgroups.

Please post there and add some details about your build, the guys and I will likely be able to get you flying again.

Todd Speck, 2020/01/13 01:40

Hi there, I finally got past my problems, took me awhile to figure it out again. I was wondering if anyone would know why when I am loading the program it does not flash the leds anymore. It used to blink real fast as the data was loading, then when it was done it would go into a slow pulse. I can see the led's go off, then the download bar loads. but the leds never indicate any loading. When I re-connect the lipo everything works fine including leds. Just wish I could get the leds back when loading data. I also notice that Keil 5.29 has a different startup logo from what I remember. Any tips or ideas I would be so stoked. Peace out.

Sir Domsen, 2020/01/13 08:26, 2020/01/13 08:30

Assuming you mean the quad's LEDs while downloading Silverware to quad: The slow pulse is gyro calibrating after downloading, followed by fast blinking if gyro calibrated successfully and waiting for bind (which you could have seen BEFORE downloading Silverware). While downloading Silverware to quad, LEDs are necessarily off. Possibly reset after download has been disabled in Keil, so you have to replug the lipo to reset the MCU. I remember a Keil version that did/does have reboot disabled by default.

Mert, 2020/02/16 14:56

I have a eachine e61. And can we do acro mode this drone? Because silverware not supports this drone.

Max, 2020/03/14 17:47

Hello , I have one problem , when using 716 engines everything works ok , hovering throttle is at about 45-50% but when I am using 615 engines hovering throttle is at 60-65 % throttle , and my question is how to change that ?

Sir Domsen, 2020/03/14 21:15

That's pretty much normal because the smaller motors have leas power. You could do a non linear throttle curve in Silverware or TX to compare the feeling while hovering. Maximum power is always less obviously…

Max, 2020/03/20 11:05

I am using stock toy tx and my silverware firmware version does not allow me to change throttle curve and I don't want to mess too much with it cuz it's flying great I'll stay with 716 engines :p thanks

Quignon William, 2020/09/16 18:52

hello, here I am using silverware for quite a while even if I am a novice, thanks to you, I succeeded, I have just released two old bayang x9 to flash, with the first no worries but with the second I get the signal of 4 flash. I have already managed to repair E011c with the command #define DISABLE_GYRO_CHECK, but now I cannot find the line in the h8mini-testing-master folder to try to repair the x9! Can somebody help me? Thank you! William.

Brandon, 2020/09/26 17:06

Are the Hummingbird boards from Newbeedrone compatible for flashing?

Didier, 2020/10/09 17:30

Hello, I got my Beecore Lite working for few minutes (but no stabilisation at all… quad be “crazzy”) then nothing. I tried to reflash multiple times without success. I get led flashing 2 times then 2 times, … No binding anymore. What does it means? Is there somewhere a description of flashing codes? Thank you

Tn , 2020/11/15 09:34

Bold TextHi I’m new at drones and need to mode 3 for control.

I looked at drone with silverware fc. what is the configuration I need to do to fly in mode 3?

Toni, 2020/12/27 16:11

Hi I want to fly my meteor75 (bf) like my meteor75 lite (silverware). Is there an easy way to convert pids from silverware to betaflight?

Jordan, 2021/02/09 13:17

hello, I have the advanced 2 pack with the 75 lite, while going in the menus of the osd I accidentally switched the rx to sbus. now I can't do anything anymore, the remote doesn't connect anymore so I can't go back to the osd to change the parameter. I reset the headset but it still remains in sbus. I've been looking for weeks but can't find anything. Thank you for your attention

robertryan, 2022/07/07 23:25

If the blue headings contain a link that is not included below it you could add a new link under it.

For example, the “Brushless Setup” link could be replaced with a new addition below it named “Brushless overview”.

Then the link from the “Brushless Setup” would not be needed.That is how I would do it. Some of them would be OK as they are because the main link is covered by the items below it.

Bugarsky & Navarro, LLC

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start.1550231969.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/15 12:59 by sirdomsen