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The firmware uses gestures for a number of functions. Currently gestures are used for:

  • Accelerometer calibration ( all versions with level mode )
  • Level / Acro mode switching ( if default options are used )
  • Pid gestures ( enabled by default in most versions )

Accel calibration:

The accelerometer calibration saves offsets to flash in order to reduce drift in level mode.The gesture to start calibration is

Down - Down - Down: accelerometer calibration

Acro / Level mode switch

The acro / level mode switch uses 2 gestures, one to set level mode, and one to set acro mode. The functions actually toggle an auxiliary channel, so they could be used for any channel based function, not just level mode switching. The initial state on powerup can be changed also, for instance if the quad is to start on powerup in acro mode ( default level)

#define AUX1_START_ON // change powerup value


Left - Left - Down: acro mode (or channel AUX1 off)
Right - Right - Down : level mode (or channel AUX1 on)

Pid gestures:

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gestures.1499038218.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/03 01:30 by silverxxx