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silverwarefc [2018/01/18 09:55]
silverwarefc [2018/05/01 01:31] (current)
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 This FC is based on an idea of **Ian444**, who is the head behind that project. The developmental history can be read in [[|CG023 acro thread]]\\ This FC is based on an idea of **Ian444**, who is the head behind that project. The developmental history can be read in [[|CG023 acro thread]]\\
 [[|RCGroups Thread for Silverware FC]] [[|RCGroups Thread for Silverware FC]]
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 Special Thanks to **BitViper **for the PCB design!\\ Special Thanks to **BitViper **for the PCB design!\\
 \\ \\
-Schematics and Links to the (**yet untested**) board & part list can be found [[|here]]. Get started, **(but for now, do that on your own risk )!** \\+Schematics and Links to the board & part list can be found [[|here]]. Get started, **(but for now, do that on your own risk )!** \\
 \\ \\
 Needed [[|changes]] of Bwhoop-B03 Silverware to work with SilverwareFC elaborated by **Ian444** Needed [[|changes]] of Bwhoop-B03 Silverware to work with SilverwareFC elaborated by **Ian444**
 +**{{  |static.rcgroups.net_forums_attachments_4_7_0_8_6_1_a10661612-99-dscf0313a.jpg}}**
 +**{{  :chaotix:img_0937.jpg?nolink&  |img_0937.jpg}}**
silverwarefc.1516265752.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/01/18 09:55 by sirdomsen