====== Boldclash BWHOOP B-03 Altitude Hold ====== Altitude Hold version of Silverware can be found in [[https://github.com/silver13/BoldClash-BWHOOP-B-03/tree/AH|AH branch of Silverware]]. |[[http://www.boldclash.com/boldclash-bwhoop-b-03-receiver-p54.html|{{:bwhoop_baro.jpg?nolink&200|BWHOOP B-03 (with barometer)}}]]|[[http://www.boldclash.com/boldclash-bwhoop-b03-pro-03-receiver-board-p123.html|{{:bwhoop_pro.jpg?nolink&200|BWHOOP B-03 Pro (without barometer)}}]]| On the left, the barometer Bwhoop B-03 can be recognized by the pressure filter foam pad. On the right is the BWHOOP B-03 Pro, //without// barometer.\\ \\ On linux, a branch can be checked out like this: $ git clone https://github.com/silver13/BoldClash-BWHOOP-B-03.git Cloning into 'BoldClash-BWHOOP-B-03'... remote: Counting objects: 1130, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (50/50), done. remote: Total 1130 (delta 72), reused 90 (delta 64), pack-reused 1016 Receiving objects: 100% (1130/1130), 1016.66 KiB | 2.01 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (717/717), done. $ cd BoldClash-BWHOOP-B-03/ $ git checkout AH Branch AH set up to track remote branch AH from origin. Switched to a new branch 'AH' $ git status On branch AH Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/AH'. $ Added configuration (config.h) options: // Springloaded centre is zero throttle #define USE_STOCK_SPRINGLOADED_TX // Hold throttle on centered stick // #define USE_STOCK_SPRINGLOADED_HOLD // Use BARO sensor - type in hardware.h #define ENABLE_BARO **USE_STOCK_SPRINGLOADED_TX** is used to make use of normal bwhoop springloaded TX. The throttle is centered with springs and this define makes the center position 0% throttle. Pushing down decreases alt (when in BARO or SPRINGLOADED_HOLD mode). **USE_STOCK_SPRINGLOADED_HOLD** is a poor man's altitude hold. This makes center throttle 0% throttle //adjust//, and adds or decreases throttle when pushing or pulling throttle (using a ^5 exponential curve for easier adjustments around centre). Center will keep the last throttle, so when carefully adjusted this will keep the drone in place. Be careful, I tend to overshoot quite a lot while trying this mode. **ENABLE_BARO** Enables barometer supported Altitude Hold. This is best used in combination with USE_STOCK_SPRINGLOADED_TX. In ENABLE_BARO mode the drone starts off when armed, throttle up will quickly ascend the drone to ~50cm. Holding down the throttle (< 85%) for more than one second switches off motors.