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latestnews [2021/11/04 17:53]
sirdomsen [Board only]
latestnews [2021/11/04 17:55] (current)
sirdomsen [Board only]
Line 16: Line 16:
   * [[|BETAFPV Lite Brushed Flight Controller]]   * [[|BETAFPV Lite Brushed Flight Controller]]
-  * [[|BEECORE Lite]]      * questions: +  * [[|BEECORE Lite]] * questions: 
-        * [[|MMW]] +      * [[|MMW]] 
-        * [[|RCGroups]]+      * [[|RCGroups]]
   * best whoop board: [[|Alienwhoop Zer0]]   * best whoop board: [[|Alienwhoop Zer0]]
-  * [[|Whoop Lite Brushed Flight Controller]] +  * Whoop Lite Brushed Flight Controller: [[|MyRCMart]] or [[|XtXinte]]
-  * Xt-Xinte: h[[|ttps://]]+
latestnews.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/04 17:55 by sirdomsen