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gestures [2017/07/03 01:51]
gestures [2017/07/03 01:52] (current)
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 <font 18px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Gesture timing</font>: <font 18px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Gesture timing</font>:
-The gestures can only be performed with throttle at minimum. Either yaw or roll count as left / right, to account for tx mode 1/2/3 differences.To perform "Up" for example, move the stick pitch from center position, to max, then back to center. Continue for the remainder of actions. If a gesture is not registered, wait 2 seconds before trying again. All gestures have led feedback if registered.+The gestures can only be performed with throttle at minimum. Either yaw or roll count as left / right, to account for tx mode 1/2/3 differences.To perform "Up" for example, move the stick pitch from center position, to max, then back to center. Continue for the remainder of actions. If a gesture is not registered, wait 2 seconds before trying again. All gestures have **led feedback**  if registered.
 The time to perform a 3 action gesture, such as Down x 3, is about 1 - 2 seconds total time. Make sure the stick returns to center between actions, taking the diagonal is not going to work. The time to perform a 3 action gesture, such as Down x 3, is about 1 - 2 seconds total time. Make sure the stick returns to center between actions, taking the diagonal is not going to work.
gestures.1499039513.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/07/03 01:51 by silverxxx